An AI program will be used to defend a case in a US court

We're getting a glimpse of a potentially new era in legal defense 👨🏻‍⚖️- an AI program developed by DoNotPay will be used to defend a case in a US court in February 2023!

This forward-thinking company, founded in 2015, offers an AI solution to help individuals fight against large organizations for issues like wrong fees or fighting parking tickets. The program will analyze data from past cases to prepare a defense and even respond to questions in court. And if it fails, DoNotPay has agreed to take on the burden of punishment and pay for the speeding ticket.

While using an earpiece in court may not be in the traditional spirit of the rules, the CEO of DoNotPay has found a court where it is allowed. For just $36 a year, this could be an easy-access, pocket-friendly option for those looking to fight for their rights.

The potential benefits of this technology are vast - it could save time and resources for defendants who may not have the means to afford high legal fees or the energy to battle bureaucracy.

And with every new iteration of AI programs being released, the capabilities of these systems are only increasing. Only trial and error will tell how applicable and effective AI lawyers may be in the near future, but it certainly is an exciting step forward in AI and legal defense.

As we see AI being present in more and more domains, it is important to raise questions about the potentially harmful effect this may have on society. Do you think about these risks, and what questions should we ask before this tech becomes commercialized?


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